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The International Yachting Media is media partner at Cannes Yachting Festival 2023

Cannes Yachting Festival and The International Yachting Media: together again to consolidate a successful partnership

A partnership that is repeated year after year and which, once again, is sealed with a worldwide agreement. Once again, in fact, Cannes Yachting Festival chooses The International Yachting Media to give maximum international coverage to the novelties and events that make this boat show unique and inimitable.

Like every year, the journalists and photographers of The International Yachting Media, with their usual passion and hard work, will report on the long days of the show through the pages of the group’s 6 magazines, which, in real time, will be spread all over the world thanks to the 15 international editions published in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and German.

CANNES YACHTING FESTIVAL 2023Sea trials, articles, and news on the many premières present will therefore be published before, during and after the Cannes Yachting Festival,to give voice to what is effectively the most important event in Europe and which, from September 12- 17, will be the first to kick off the 2023/2024 “boating season”.

The event will once again be the industry’s hub of innovation. With more than 650 boats on the water and many more ashore, it will be a unique showcase for the latest trends and premieres in the boating world. Exhibitors include the major names in the boating industry, ready to present their latest innovations, taking advantage of this unique showcase.

The partnership between Europe’s most international and important boat show and the world’s leading digital information provider is first and foremost a strategic agreement – says Luca D’Ambrosio, CEO of the publishing group – Almost allof the year’s novelties, certainly the most important ones, are presented at the Cannes Yachting Festival, and the agreement with The International Yachting Media will allow owners from all over the world to be informed about them through our 15 international editions“.

The International Yachting Media, for its part, is coming off a successful three-year period where, immediately after the acquisitions of YachtingNews and YachtDigest, it has implemented a series of further investments in innovation, research and development that have led it to launch practically a new product every three months. In the last 12 months alone, in chronological order, we can mention:

  • Yachting Metaverse: the only working metaverse in yachting, an unparalleled immersive experience;
  • The restyling and updating of the Boating News App which, available for free on Apple Store and Google Play Store, now contains all 15 of the group’s international editions and, of course, the famous online pilot book, the most widely read in Europe;
  • The launch of the French edition of Yacht Digest , the innovative, browsable digital magazine, the only one ad-free in the world;
  • The launch of the German edition of Yachting News ;
  • The launch of the Arabic edition of SuperYachts;
  • The recently completed migration and restyling of TuttoBarche, TousLesBateaux and TodosLosBarcos.

app the international yachting media CANNES

The partnership between The International Yachting Media and the Cannes Yachting Festival thus comes at the climax of a successful and innovative year. A long series of new information channels will help to enhance the wonders of this magnificent show and the innovations that will be presented in this 2023 edition.

” The Cannes Yachting Festival is a prestigious stage, where elegance is the main thread running through- emphasizes Giorgio Bruno, Account Manager for the publishing groupThis is the ideal location for all the industry players, who meet here every year to present their new models in a truly unique and exclusive setting”.

All that remains now is to eagerly await the start of this renewed collaboration, which promises to offer an extraordinary experience to all yachting enthusiasts, visitors to the Cannes Yachting Festival and all those who, unable to attend, will choose The International Yachting Media to fully immerse themselves in the magic of this event.

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