Nauta Design revives the Perini Navi 56m “Caoz 14”
The Perini Navi Caoz 14, formerly known as Selene and Parsifal IV, is a 56-metre long sailing superyacht that won the “Best refit” category for the “Vitters yacht G2” at
The Perini Navi Caoz 14, formerly known as Selene and Parsifal IV, is a 56-metre long sailing superyacht that won the “Best refit” category for the “Vitters yacht G2” at
The Italian Sea Group S.p.A. (“TISG” or the “Company”), global operator in the luxury yachting industry, through its 100% subsidiary New Sail s.r.l., won the Auction held by the Lucca
The Italian Sea Group takes the fifth gear and, not caring about the previous auctions, moreover all gone desert, presents an important and irrevocable proposal of purchase. There are in
The Italian Sea Group (TISG) has shown interest in taking over Perini Navi, an international leader in the production of luxury sailing yachts. Perini Navi, which has been in bankruptcy
Designed by BLive Communication
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