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Synteak Group awarded Salvator Mundi prize for corporate sustainability

Synteak susteinability The Trentino-based company Synteak Group, an absolute leader in Italy and Europe in the production of synthetic teak, becomes an example of corporate sustainability.

It has in fact gained the SALVATOR MUNDI, an award inspired by the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, which aims to pay tribute to excellence, ethics and values, and encourage brilliant minds to actions of solidarity.

Established as part of the ‘Italia in un abbraccio’ project conceived and implemented by the President of IT Difesa, Katia La Rosa, the prestigious awards ceremony took place in the Sala della Regina at the Palazzo Montecitorio, seat of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

“As a company we were called to collect the Salvator Mundi award – commented a proud Francesco Martorelli, CEO of Synteak Group – this is an important recognition that we took for the sustainability of our company, as we are the only Company that guarantees a complete recycling of waste materials. An award dedicated to sustainability and attention to the environment.

Synteak susteinability

We continually improve every step of our manufacturing process to offer the market state-of-the-art products.
The customer care quality is a key element for our company and the feedback we have makes us realize that we are on the right track, in short, investing in service quality increases the company’s reputation. Receiving this award is a great satisfaction, it means we are on the right track”.

A pioneer of synthetic teak in Europe, Synteak Group traces its history back to 25 years ago when it began marketing existing products on the market. It rapidly evolved by investing in the research and development of new materials, and has now become the undisputed European leader in synthetic teak.

Synteak susteinabilityThe range of available products is divided into three categories: Plasdeck (synthetic PVC teak); E-DEK (synthetic foam teak); and EcoDeck (synthetic resin tech), aimed at the Superyacht and luxury boat market.

With the “old” natural teak becoming increasingly rare worldwide, these innovative solutions represent the future of this industry, which gains in quality, durability and environmental respect. All this is made possible thanks to materials engineered and studied in detail to increase performance, drying time, durability and even beauty, because after all this also remains an essential aspect: all with complete recycling of waste materials.

” All of our products are recycled – continues Francesco Martorelli – we re-use our waste to make all the components, curbs, special parts, everything we need, and we are studying new equipment to be able to make other products, again with our production waste.

We have been working on this for 6/7 years already, also because ours is a very expensive material, and it is unthinkable to take it to the landfill. So we are working on this very aspect, so in addition to an environmental factor there is also a significant economic return “..

Francesco Martorelli, with his sons Simone and Daniele, awarded by Katia La Rosa

In recent years the awareness of greater environmental protection is gaining more and more prominence in every sector, including, of course, the boating sector where, fortunately, there are now many companies that choose this policy.

“ The market continues to give us confirmation that our products are on the cutting edge and requests from shipyards are constantly increasing – confirms Francesco Martorelli – Even this year we are growing a lot, there are a lot of companies that finally believe in more ecological products and are increasingly looking for sustainability and respect for the environment even with higher costs. Besides of course having a high-end material, because we use only the best ”..

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