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Quick MC² X Gyro Stabilizers. The new Copernican revolution is now!

Our reference to the great Polish astronomer, who was the first to describe an astronomical system in which the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the reverse, is not random because what the new Quick systems are intended to trigger is a real small revolution. 

The new MC²X gyro stabilizers have revolutionized the traditional operation concept of this anti-roll mechanism, by introducing a compact, silent and safe product.

But how important is this revolution?

Stabilizzatori-giroscopici-quick-mc2xThe gyro stabilizers commonly found on the market generally consist of a mass revolving around a vertical axis positioned inside a watertight water-cooled box. The relatively small masses used until today have a revolving speed of 10/12 thousand rpm whose consequent warming inevitably creates a need for a water-cooled system. Furthermore, this feature entails the need to keep utilities connected, even for many hours after mooring, so that the inertia produced by the gyroscope can be completely disposed.

Quick MC²X stabilizers have revolutionized this concept of operation. First of all, the water-cooled system has been replaced by a more efficient air-cooled system equipped with external valves. This means that utilities can be disconnected at any moment without having to wait for cooling.

MC2_X_SeriesThis important result was achieved thanks to the presence of larger masses which, in order to obtain the same stabilization effect, need a lower number of rpm – around 4,500 – for a mass revolving around a horizontal axis. Of course, this results into lower mechanical stress, less friction and therefore lower heat output as well as the possibility to remove the need for a water-cooled system which, consequently, enables the user to disconnect utilities while the mass autonomously stops.

Since the hydraulic system is no longer required, on-board installation, too, is significantly easier.

In all the gyro stabilizers currently sold on the market, including the new Quick MC²X devices, the electric motor activates the mass rotation and, once 80% of revolutions is reached, it releases precession, that is the stabilization function. 

A lower revolution speed also implies another important advantage: the new stabilizers achieve the minimum stabilization efficiency within a few minutes and then reach the normal speed just as fast. Compared with all the alternatives currently offered on the market, Quick MC²X systems guarantee a 40% time saving (data collected from manufacturer’s declarations).

In more practical terms, this means that, while conventional stabilizers get up to speed within about 55 minutes, the new MC²X devices take just 35 minutes.

Equipped with Quick electric motors, MC2X stabilizers are very compact and silent, according to statements made by the manufacturer.


MC²X stabilizers can be managed using NMEA interface or the new remote touch panel with graphic display (multi-station compatible) available in sizes 5” and 7”.

Moreover, the MC² Mobile App records (and checks) the performance of the stabilizers during sea trips. The App can be downloaded and is viewable on both smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android).

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