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Quick launches a new advertising campaign on its gyroscopic stabilizers: “MC² Quick Gyro, let your life be perfect”

Quick MC² Gyro Stabilizers video number 1

Quick MC² Gyro Stabilizers video number 2

Quick MC² Gyro Stabilizers video number 3

Quick MC² Gyro Stabilizers video number 4

Quick MC² Gyro Stabilizers video number 5

Quick Spa, the international leader in the manufacture of marine accessories, launches a new advertising campaign on its stabilizers: “MC² Quick Gyro:  Let your life be perfect”.

The campaign, composed by five short videos, tells in a ironic funny way how gyroscopic stabilizers have become an indispensable element in the modern sailing experience. Technology, design, quality and innovation are the values that permeate the Italian company based in Ravenna and that the campaign conveys in a funny elegant way, bringing the public closer to a comfortable and safe way of living the sea.

Characterized by refined scripts evoking an informal comedy, the videos bring the boat owner into a serene and relaxed dimensionideal for a perfect on-board life: the one that the stabilizers create at the push of a button.

On the occasion of the new advertising campaign, the logo of Quick Spa anti-roll gyro stabilizers appears for the first time in a revisited version.

After the acquisition of the MC² brand, the company has made the most of its resources to achieve the high quality standards that distinguish Quick products.

From this experience and from the following success raised the need to transfer the Quick DNA also in the image of the logo: the new design represents the range of Quick anti-roll gyro stabilizers independently from the identification of the series.

The MC² Quick Gyro gyroscopic stabilizer developed by Quick is equipped with a flywheel rotation system on a horizontal axis, a solution that implies less mechanical stress and friction, drastically reducing heat generation. They are air-cooled and not water-cooled and therefore they do not need new sea water intakes and pumps.

Quick-stabilizers-button-768x450“ Stabilizers are becoming an increasingly indispensable product not only for new boats but also for refitted vessels – comments Michele MarzuccoPresident & CEO of Quick SpA – “Let your life be perfect” conveys what the owner wants today: a perfect sailing experience, with pure comfort. Our MC² Quick Gyro is a technologically advanced stabilizer with unique operation and the new campaign proposes an innovative product approach, with the aim of explaining it to the spectators in a direct, simple and intuitive way”-

Developed by BLive Communication, the new advertising campaign sets the five hilarious episodes aboard a Pardo 43, immediately returning to the observer the  image of a perfect and comfortable life on board that every owner wants.

The new campaign will be on air with the first episode from June 11th on all communication channels, offline and online, to continue with progressive releases next June 24th, which will lead to the vision of all five spots.

All the episodes will be visible on the Vimeo page where the first video is already visible in preview.

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