Innovation in the boating industry does not stop; on the contrary, Synteak Group has taken another leap forward with EcoDeck. An established company renowned for more than 20 years for providing alternatives to natural teak, they are now launching in Italy a revolutionary high-end material, a perfect substitution for classic teak for use in large boat flooring and beyond.
The Dutch EcoDeck product provides the deck with a traditional look, creating a perfect alternative to classic natural teak, which is currently in short supply around the world.
Some of its features make it both unique and perfectly suitable for a variety of solutions: it is eco-friendly because it is made from renewed and solvent-free resins, at the end of its life then it can also be recycled to create new products. It is highly anti-slip and provides a high grip both dry and wet, is easily repairable even from the most severe damage, is very customizable in the range of colors that can also be chosen through the RAL scale, and requires low maintenance due to the special composition of resins.
“The new material is very different from other resins available on the market because it is a patented product. It has no problem with water and has the same traction as resin, is stable, does not fade over time and can be used for ceilings, profiles, steps, but also for laid material.” says Simone Martorelli, CEO at Synteak Group. “Bonding is much easier than synthetic teak, it makes the material more similar to wood in terms of hardness and gives the possibility to make wide thicknesses, which give a sense of sturdiness. The range goes from 8 mm and can go up as much as we want, even 4 cm; moreover, according to certified comparative studies, EcoDeck is 10% cooler than all other resins on the market.”

“The primary use of EcoDeck is to cover the very large boat segment and the superyachts segment where wood is still predominant, because it is the only material that still gives a sense of warmth, quality and sturdiness to touch and sight, but with EcoDeck this is no longer the case,” says Francesco Martorelli, CEO at Synteak Group. “This material has the same performance as wood, with the difference that it is easier to create, it is eco-friendly, it does not transmit heat, even less than real wood, and it allows more freedom in production than teak: you can make deck, ceiling, steps, duckboards, handrails and any other piece, in any color you want”.

EcoDeck therefore can be elected as “the perfect substitute” for natural wood, to which it has nothing to envy in terms of both performance and aesthetics. With this special type of resin it is also possible to go and eliminate the problem of sealants that plagues natural teak decks, the coments with EcoDeck in fact are made with the same resin, but in a different color. This eliminates the silicone sealants typical of natural wood decks, which, by the way, are one of the parts most subject to wear and deterioration.

From January 2024 then it will also be possible to order the painted (glossy) version for both interior and vintage boats; what’s more, the core of some special pieces can be made of foam to lighten the whole structure. All the processing from the template survey, to the digitization of the templates with advanced graphics programs, to the design customization, is done with the utmost precision until the entire deck is created with advanced 2D and 3D numerical control machinery,the installation then is followed by Synteak Group itself to offer the utmost care to the customer.
“We can customize everything: lettering, boat names, dashboard. EcoDeck gives us great freedom of processing and also gives it to the customer. The product has existed for 10 years, it has already been widely tested, even on cruise ships, thanks to us this product is available in Italy now,” says Francesco Martorelli, CEO of Synteak Group.