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Cetara: Quick Lighting and Bertone Design illuminate Euroluce

Quick Lighting, the Italian corporate Quick Spa’s division dedicated to interior lighting, has unveiled Cetara to the visitors of its booth at Euroluce.

This new family of lamps, presented in both floor and pendant version, is the result of the collaboration with the Italian design studio Bertone Design.

Alessio Abagnale, the young designer of Cetara, tells us what has inspired him.

Cetara-by-Quick-Lighting-and-Bertone-Design-768x512” The name of the lamp comes from the town of Cetara, a small village on the Amalfi Coast where fishermen use torches on their own boat to catch fish. It’s one of my adolescent memories from which I drew attention. I have therefore decided to provide light with an emotional aspect in addition to a functional one. And I’ve translated the emotional part into the horizontal discs of the lamp while the functional one is represented by the central vertical part”. 

Looking at the lamp, in fact, just like fish under a fishing lamp, you are first attracted by its elegant light and then caught in a net, whose meshes are woven with refined shapes.

For the presentation, the colours of the lamps had very warm shades. More specifically, the shade that comes from Cetara is the result of a combination of colours imprinted on some horizontal discs around the led. Light and shape merge together and inevitably revoke unique memories in the observer.

Alessio continues: ”The project has been developed in compliance with Bertone Design’s stylistic rules and therefore with clean lines and automotive-oriented design. We’ve also decided to reproduce in our work the typical colours of sunsets on the Amalfi Coast: we’ve done that in an exaggerated manner because we want they to remain printed in the observer’s eyes”.


In addition to being a fascinating design item, the lamp is also a smart product, as Quick Spa Vice President Chiara Marzucco explains:

Cetara is equipped with a wireless remote control that not only turns on and adjusts the light beam intensity but also controls more lamps at the same time retaining the adjustment of the last shutdown. Moreover, Cetara can interface with many smart systems, including Quick’s one of course. This way, lamps are integrated into the home network and controlled by touchscreen control panels together with their smartphone applications. Thanks to these operation modes, Cetara allows to create various light scenarios that are consistent with the environment without having to focus on every single lamp”. 

Cetara is an unusual work for Bertone Design because it’s the first lighting project resulting from the new deal of the company. The successful combination of design and functionality has been achieved in a very short time and made possible thanks to the advanced technology of the two companies involved. This is clear from the words of Aldo Cingolani, CEO and co-founder of Bertone Design:

Aldo-Cingolani-and-Chiara-Marzucco-768x540”From concept to implementation, it took just one month. This extraordinary result was made possible because the two companies, Bertone Design and Quick Spa, come from the industrial world and use 3D virtual design models. Quick has a 4.0 production system that makes it possible to significantly reduce production times”.

Bertone Desing CEO concludes the official presentation at Euroluce this way:

Cetara is a lamp with Italian and Made in Italy design. It carries on the Italian tradition addressed to the international market”.

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