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Amer 120: Amer Yachts’ flagship takes shape

Amer 120,  the new flagship of the Amer Yachts’ fleet, will be launched and introduced at next autumn boat shows

The Italian shipyard Permare celebrates its 47th birthday with the construction, currently under completion, of the new flagship Amer 120, which is scheduled to be launched at the next autumn boat shows.


This is the great novelty that Amer Yachts launches for 2021, a 120-foot superyacht where nothing is left to chance, stating from its meaning.

Playing on mathematical symbology (all boating is based on complex mathematical calculations) 120 is the sum of four successive prime numbers that symbolize the 4 pods – explains Amer Yachts‘ team in a press release – The number 4 in numerology means balance, contact with one’s roots, stability and security.

It is a triangular number, the sum of the natural numbers from 1 to 15 and the sum of the first 8 triangular numbers which makes it tetrahedral and symbolize for us the bow of the hull towards the sea of our new model. It’s a multi-perfect number which expresses the synthesis of the synergic work of the Amer Yachts team and the pool of supplier companies, with more than 120 people involved in the construction”.

About Amer 120

amer-120-drittaAmer 120 is characterized by a full-width superstructure, which allows to have all the spaces of the main deck (saloon, master cabin, galley, etc.) of particularly large dimensions.

Power comes from 4 Volvo IPS engines, able to be adapted for a future SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) installation that will allow to sail in the so-called ECA (Emission Control Areas, in line with an increasingly widespread environmental protection-oriented configuration.

In fact, right from the design phase, the Permare shipyard has always worked with the target of improving its green approach during its building process, using new innovative tools for the creation of mouldings.

This propulsion allows navigation with exceptional comfort, quiet and vibration-free and easy manoeuvrability with the joystick that greatly simplifies mooring manoeuvring from 4 different points of the yacht.

Another key feature of the Amer 120 lies in her minimized consumption. The boat is equipped with a Seakeeper gyroscopic stabilizer, which reduces the roll of the boat when at anchor, and the Humphree fins stabilizers, which reduce it during navigation. The perfect combination of these two stabilizers significantly increases the comfort already offered by the Volvo propulsion.

amer-120-saloonThe large windows of both the main deck and the cabins on the lower deck allow a greater presence of natural light for an amazing 360-degree sea view experience.

A great work has also been done not only in the 5 guest cabins but also in the crew area: “once the crew is comfortable – says a note from Amer Yachts – the guests will be so too”.

With this first time lapse, made during the construction of the new Amer 120, from the hull layout to the indoor bulkheads, we have wanted to let the public discover the behind the scenes of a shipyard – explains Barbara Amerio, CEO and Sustenaibility Director of Amer YachtsOthers will follow to illustrate the different processes, a way to gradually reveal how a boat is born and grows up to launch. At the same time, focusing on time lapse footage has allowed us to evaluate, think and implement even more modern and functional processes”.

Amer 120 is designed to be compliant to all the requirements requested to get the Rina green and comfort certifications. Moreover, the yacht is ready for new technical certifications, such as “Green”, which evaluates environmental performance; “Comfort”, which examines noise and vibrations on board, and a new certification that will measure the impact of the vessel in the underwater environment. For this new particular certification, the yacht must respect very strict parameters.

Scheduled to be introduced at the next autumn boat shows, Amer 120 will be the world’s longest superyacht equipped with IPS propulsion.

A record which Permare Group is particulary proud of.

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